منتدى شقاح
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرا ارجو التسجيل للاستفادة من خصائص المنتدى والمشاركة به بفاعلية
منتدى شقاح
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرا ارجو التسجيل للاستفادة من خصائص المنتدى والمشاركة به بفاعلية
منتدى شقاح
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شقاح

منتدى تعليمي وثقافي واجتماعي
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخولدخول  العاب فلاش مباشرةالعاب فلاش مباشرة  العاب فلاش مباشرة 2العاب فلاش مباشرة 2  العاب فلاش 3العاب فلاش 3  طقس الاردنطقس الاردن  موقع حلو للأطفالموقع حلو للأطفال  موقع تعليمي للأطفالموقع تعليمي للأطفال  القرآن الكريمالقرآن الكريم  لوحة مفاتيح عربيةلوحة مفاتيح عربية  دليل المواقع الاسلاميةدليل المواقع الاسلامية  تقويم اسلامي  التحويل الى الهجريالتحويل الى الهجري  
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أعضاؤنا قدموا 4953 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 3592 موضوع
المواضيع الأخيرة
» سلسلة دروس conversation Starter speak english
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 19, 2014 5:12 am من طرف هيثم مومني

» الضوء (بوربوينت)
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالإثنين أغسطس 19, 2013 4:37 pm من طرف عدي الشقيري

» من أشعار الإمام علي ابن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أبريل 30, 2013 9:26 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» أبيات أعجبتنييييييييي جداً وجداً وجداً ..
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 22, 2013 10:10 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» أبيات أعجبتنييييييييي جداً وجداً وجداً ..
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 22, 2013 10:09 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» من أعظم ما علمتني إياه الرياضيات ..
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 22, 2013 9:55 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» كن في الحياة مثل الفاصلة .. ولا تكن كالنقطة ..
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 22, 2013 9:50 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» تسمية الماء حسب مكان خروجه ..
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 22, 2013 9:47 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» في كتابة الهمزة
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» نصائح من العصر الجاهلي
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 09, 2013 11:00 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» المقابلة
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 09, 2013 10:56 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» الطباق (من ألوان البديع)
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 09, 2013 10:54 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» من هو الفيروز أبادي ؟
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 09, 2013 10:49 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» كيف نفرق بين ظن بمعنى أيقن وبين ظن بمعنى شك؟؟
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 09, 2013 10:39 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» ألفاظ يستوي فيها التذكير والتأنيث
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» من أساليب الكناية
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 09, 2013 10:32 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» إهداء إلى (بشار الأسد)
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالخميس يناير 24, 2013 6:44 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

» المشاكل تجلب العطايا إذا ما نظرنا إلى الجانب الإيجابي فيها
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالإثنين يناير 21, 2013 3:26 am من طرف Batool Alghazo

» وإن لدى العواجز لحكمة
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالإثنين يناير 21, 2013 3:21 am من طرف Batool Alghazo

» موقع مفيد جدا جدا .. وخاصة قسم(الاستماع ، التكلم ، واللفظ).....check it
English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالإثنين ديسمبر 10, 2012 10:10 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

تقويم اسلامي


 English Abbreviations

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف

English Abbreviations Images10

English Abbreviations Images10
English Abbreviations Golden10

عدد المساهمات : 1689
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/10/2010

English Abbreviations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: English Abbreviations   English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 30, 2011 5:11 am

Common, Uncommon and Specialized Abbreviations

Abbreviations of Degrees

BA Bachelor of Arts
BS Bachelor of Science
EdD Doctor of Education
LLB Bachelor of Laws (legum baccalaureus)
LLM Master of Laws (legum magister)
MBA Master of Business Administration
MS Master of Science
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
DA Doctor of Arts
JD Doctor of Law
LLD Doctor of Laws (legum doctor)
MA Doctor of Medicine (medicinae doctor
MD Doctor of Medicine (medicinae doctor)
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
English Abbreviations K

abbr. abbreviation - abbreviated
abr. abridged - abridgment
acad. academic - academy
adj. adjective - adjourned - adjustment
adm. administration - admiral
adv. adverb
agr. / agri. agric - agricultural - agriculture
anon. anonymous
app. appended - appendix - appointed
approx. approximately
assn. association
English Abbreviations K
b. base - bass - bat - battery - bay - book - born - brother
bact. bacteria - bacteriology
bap. baptized
bib. Bible - biblical
bibliog. bibliographer - bibliography - bibliographic
biog. biographer - biography - biographical
biol. biology
bk. bank - block - book
bkg. banking
bkg. banking
bldg. building
blvd. boulevard
bot. botanical - botany
bp. bishop
brig. brigade - brigadier
brig. gen - brigadier - general
bro. brother
bur. bureaus
English Abbreviations K
c.a. chartered - accountant - chief - accountant - commercial - agent - consular - agent - controller of accounts
cal. calendar - caliber - small - calorie
cap. capital - capitalize
capt. captain
cath. cathedral
cc / cc. / c.c. cubic - centimeters
cent. centigrade - centimeter - central - century
cf. Latin confer = compare
ch. chaplain - chapter - check - (chess) - chief - child - children - Latin - chirurgia = surgery - church
chap. chaplain - chapter
chem. chemical - chemist - chemistry
chm. chairman - checkmate - (chess)
chron. chronology
cir. /circ. circular - Latin - circa = about
cit. citation - cited - citizen
civ. civil - civilian
clk. clerk
cm / cm. centimeter (s)
co. company - county
c.o. / c/o care of - carried over
c.o.d. cash on delivery - collect on delivery
col. collected - collector - college - colonel - colonial - colony - column
colloq. colloquial - colloquialism
com. comedy
- command - commandant - commerce - commercial - commission(er)
- committee - commodore - common - communication - community
comdr. commander
comr. commissioner
comp. compiler - compiled by
con. concerto - consolidated - consul
cond. conductor - conducted by
conf. conference
cong. congress
consol. consolidated
constr. construction
cont. containing - contents - continent - continental - continue - continued
cont. / contd. continued
corp. corporal - corporation
cp. candlepower - compare
cpl. corporal
cr. credit - creditor - creek
crit. criticism
ct. carat - cent - court
cu. cubic
cwt. hundredweight
English Abbreviations K
d. dam (pedigrees) - date - daughter - day(s) - dead - democrat - density - diameter - died
d. pence - penny
dec. - deceased - declaration - declension - declination - decrease - Italian - deprescendo = decreasing in loudness (music)
def. definition - definite
deg. degree(s)
dep. department - departure - deposit - depot - deputy
dept. department - deputy
der. / deriv. derivation - derivative
diag. diagram
dial. dialect
dict. dictionary
dim. Italian diminuendo = diminishing in loudness (music)
dipl. diplomat - diplomatic
dir. director - directed by
disc. discount - discovered
dist. distinguished - district
distr. distribution - distributed by
div. dividend - division - divorced
dm / dm. decameter - decimeter
do. Latin ditto = the same
doc. document
doz. dozen
dpt. department
dr. - , , , debit - debtor - drachma - dram
d.t. delirium tremens - double time
dup. / dupl. duplicate
dwt. pennyweight
English Abbreviations K
e / e. erg - errors - (Baseball)
ea. each
eccl. / eccles. ecclesiastical
ecol. ecology
econ. economic - economics - economy
ed. edited - edited by - edition - editor
e.g. Latin exempli gratia = for example
elec. / elect. electric - electrical - electrician - electricity
elev. elevation
emp. emperor - empire - empress
e.m.u. electromagnetic unit
enc. enclosed
ency. / encyc. / encycl. encyclopedia
eng. engineer - engineering - engraved
entom. / entomol. entomologist - entomology
esp. especially
est. established - estimate
et al.
Latin et alibi = and elsewhere
Latin et alii, et aliae = and others
etc. Latin et cetera = and so forth
et seq. Latin et sequens = and the following
Latin et sequentes or seqentia = and those that follow
ex. examined - example
exch. exchange - exchequer
exec. executive - executor
ex lib. Latin ex libris = from the books of
English Abbreviations K
f Italian forte = loud (music)
f. farad - father - farthing - fathom - feminine - fluid (ounce) - folio - following - franc - frequency
fac. / fax facsimile
fed. federal - federated - federation
fem. female - feminine
ff Italian fortissimo = very loud (music)
ff. / fol. folios - following
fig. figure
fin. finance
fl. florin - flourished - fluid
fn. footnote
fr. fragment - franc - from
ft feet - foot
ft. fort
fwd. foreword - foreword by
English Abbreviations K
g / g. / gm gram
gal / gall. gallon
gaz. gazette - gazetteer
gen. gender - genera - general - genus
geog. geographer - geographical - geography
geol. geologic - geologist - geology
geom. geometric - geometry
gloss. glossary
gov. governor
govt. government
gr - grain(s) - gram(s)
gram. grammar - grammarian
English Abbreviations K
hab. corp. Latin habeas corpus = that you have the body
her. heraldry
hist. historian - historical - history
hort. horticultural - horticulture
hr hour(s)
ht. height
English Abbreviations K
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف

English Abbreviations Images10

English Abbreviations Images10
English Abbreviations Golden10

عدد المساهمات : 1689
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/10/2010

English Abbreviations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: English Abbreviations   English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 30, 2011 5:12 am

ib. / ibid. Latin ibidem = in the same place
id. Latin idem = the same
i.e. Latin id est = that is
illus. illustrator - -illustration - illustrated by
imperative - imperial - imports -Latin imprimatur = let it be printed
in. inch - inches
inc. including - income - incorporated
in loc. cit. Latin - in loco citato = in the place cited
ins. inches - insurance
inst. instant - institute - institution
intl. international
introd. introduction - introduced by
is. island - isle
English Abbreviations K
jour. journal
jr. junior
jud. judicial
English Abbreviations K
k. kilo - kilogram - thousand
kg kilogram -
kilo. (note: no period after kg) - kilogram - kilometer
km kilometer (note: no period after km)
kt. carat
kw kilowatt (note: no period after kw)
English Abbreviations K
l, ll line - lines
l liter
lab. laboratory
lang. language
lat. latitude
lb Latin libra = pound
l.c. Latin loco citato = in the place cited
lib. liberal - library - librarian
lieut. / lt. lieutenant
lit. - literally - literary - literature
ltd. limited
lon. / long. longitude
English Abbreviations K
m. male - married - meridian - Latin
= noon - meter - mile - minute -

mach. mach - machine - machinist
mag. magazine
maj. major
mas. / masc. masculine
math. mathematician - mathematics
mdse. merchandise
mech. mechanical - mechanics
med. medical - medicine - medieval
mem. / memo Latin memento = remember - memorandum
mfg. manufacturing
mfg. manufacturing
mg / mg. / mgm milligram
mgr. manager
mi miles - mill (note: no period after mi)
misc. miscellaneous
ml / ml. milliliter
mm millimeter(s) - Latin millia = thousands
mm millimeter(s) - Latin millia = thousands
mod. moderate - modern
ms. / mss. manuscript - manuscripts
mt. / mts. mount - mountain - mountains
mus. museum - music - musician
English Abbreviations K
n / nn note - notes
n. noun
narr. narrator - narrated by
natl. national
nav. naval - navigation
n.b. Latin nota bene = mark well - take notice
n.d. no date of publication
neg. negative
no. number
non seq. Latin non sequitur = it does not follow
n.p. no place of publication, no publisher
n. pag. no page number
English Abbreviations K
obit. obituary
obj. object - objective
op. cit. Latin - opere citato = in the work cited
orch. orchestra - orchestrated by
orig. original - originally
oz. ounce (Italian abbrev. of onza)
English Abbreviations K
p. / pp. page - pages
par. paragraph - parallel
pat. /patd. patent - patented
pct. percent
p.d. Latin per diem = by the day
pen. peninsular
perf. - performer - performed by
philos. philosopher - philosophy
phys. physical - physician - physicist - physics
pl. plural - plate
ppd. postpaid - prepaid
pref. preface - preface by
prin. principal - principle
prod. produced by - producer - production
pro tem. Latin pro tempore = for the time being
pron. pronoun - pronunciation
pseud. pseudonym
psych. / psychol. psychological - psychologist - psychology
pt pint (note: no period after pt)
pt. part - payment - point - port
pub. / publ. public - publisher - publication - published by
pwt pennyweight (note: no period after pwt)
English Abbreviations K
q. quarto - question
qr. quarter
qt quart (note: no period after qt)
qt. quiet (slang)
qtd. quoted
ques. question
quot. quotation
English Abbreviations K
r.b.i. / rbi / RBI run(s) batted in (Baseball)
quot. quotation
rec. receipt - recipe - record - recorded
ref. referee - reference - reformed
reg. regent - regiment - region - registered - registrar - regular - regulation
rel. release
rev. review - reviewed by, revision - revised -revised by
riv. river
rpm revolutions per minute
rps revolutions per second
rpt. reprint - reprinted by
English Abbreviations K
s. saint - second - semi - shilling - silver - sire - solo - son - soprano - south
sc. scene
sch. school
sci. science - scientific - scientist
sculp / sculp. sculptor - sculptural - sculpture
sec secant - second(s)
sec. / secy. secretary
sec. / sect. section
ser. series
serg. / sergt. / sgt. sergeant
[sic.] thus in the source (exactly as quoted)
sing. singular
sol. solicitor
sp. special - species - specific - specimen - spelling - spirit
sq. sequence - square
sub. submarine - substitute - suburb
subj. subject - subjective - subjunctive
sup. superior - supplement - supply - (Latin supra = above) - supreme
supt. superintendent
surg. surgeon - surgery
sym. symbol - symphony
syn. synonym - synonymous
English Abbreviations K
t. temperature - tempo - (Latin tempore
= in the time of) - tenor - tense (grammar) -territory -
time - ton(s) - town - transitive, troy (weight)

tbs. / tbsp. tablespoon
tel. telegraph - telegram - telephone
temp. temperature - temporary
terr. territory
theol. theologian - theology - theological
topog. topographical - topography
trans. / tr. translated by - translation - translator
treas. treasury - treasurer
trig. / trigon. trigonometric - trigonometry
tsp. teaspoon
twp. township
English Abbreviations K
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف

English Abbreviations Images10

English Abbreviations Images10
English Abbreviations Golden10

عدد المساهمات : 1689
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/10/2010

English Abbreviations Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: English Abbreviations   English Abbreviations Icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 30, 2011 5:13 am

English Abbreviations K
ult. ultimate
univ. universal - university
usu. usually
uv ultraviolet (note: no period after uv)
English Abbreviations K
v. verb - verse - versus - Latin vide = see - voltage - von (German name)
var. variant
vb. verb
vers. version
vet. veteran - veterinary
viz. Latin - videlicet = namely
vet. veteran - veterinary
vol. volcano - volume
vox. pop. Latin vox populi = voice of the people
v.p. vice - president - vice principal
vs. / v. Latin versus = against
vs. / vss. verse - verses
v.s. Latin vide supra = see above
English Abbreviations K
wpm words per minute
writ. writer - written by
wt weight (no period after wt)
English Abbreviations K
yd yard(s)
yr year

English Abbreviations K
zn zinc

English Abbreviations K
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
English Abbreviations
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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» Text Messaging and Chat Abbreviations
» English Yes/No Questions
» Arabs and the English sound /p/

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