منتدى شقاح
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرا ارجو التسجيل للاستفادة من خصائص المنتدى والمشاركة به بفاعلية
منتدى شقاح
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرا ارجو التسجيل للاستفادة من خصائص المنتدى والمشاركة به بفاعلية
منتدى شقاح
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شقاح

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تقويم اسلامي


 Modal Auxiliaries

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف
مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف

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عدد المساهمات : 1689
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/10/2010

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مُساهمةموضوع: Modal Auxiliaries   Modal Auxiliaries Icon_minitimeالسبت مارس 05, 2011 10:29 pm

Modal Auxiliaries
Present and Future Forms
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or modal auxiliaries do not express tense or time, but they change the
meaning of the base verb. The meaning changes according to the context
of the sentence.

هي كلمات لا تغير الصيغة او الوقت بل المعنى للفعل الاساسي.

The modals are: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, have to, had better, ought

Modals, or modal auxiliaries, are helping verbs. Some quick rules about modals that you should follow.
هذه بعض القواعد العامة لاستعمال الـ Modals:

1. Modals are always accompanied by other verbs
Modals دائما تتبع بافعال اخرى
He may come late.
They should be here.

2. Modals are followed by the simple form of the verb.
Modals تتبع بالشكل البسيط للفعل اي أننا لا نقوم بأي تغييرات على الفعل كزيادة s - ing - ed الخ...
Tom will pass the test.
Something good might happen.

3. To form a negative sentence, place not after the modal
لاستعمال الـ Modals بالنفي كل ما علينا فعله هو اضافة كلمة not بعد الـ modal verb
Example: I could not lift the heavy box alone. I needed some help.

4. In a question, the modal appears before the subject
لاستعمال الـ Modals بصيغة الاستفهام كل ما علينا فعله هو وضع الـ modal verb في اول السؤال يليه الفاعل ثم الفعل الثاني
Example: May I leave early today?

Modals and Their Uses
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1. Ability
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The quality of being able to do something

a. Can expresses a present or future ability.
can تستعمل للحديث عن القدرات في الحاضر و المستقبل
· Meena can teach reading class.
· Hallry can speak Cambodian.
· Bob can go to work tomorrow.

b. Could expresses a past ability
could تستعمل للحديث عن القدرات في الماضي
· Harold could ride a unicycle when he was younger.
· Bob could play tennis well when he was a teenager.
· Jane could function with less sleep when she was a girl.

N.B. Be able to can also be used to express ability.
ملاحظة هامة: be able to قد تستعمل للدلالة على المقدرة
Be (am/is/are) +able to is used I the present or future.
· He isn’t able to stand on his hands.
Be (was/were) + able to is used in the past.
· He was able to use his left hand when his arm was broken.
Be able to is more commonly used with other modal auxiliaries.
غالبا ما تستعمل be able to مع الـ modals لاخرى
· Will Gregg be able to pass the test?
· We may be able to visit you next week.
You should be able to give us more time

2. Request
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the act of asking for something to be given or done, esp. as a favor

Use would, could, can or will to ask someone to do something
تستعمل would, could, can, will لطلب عمل ما من شخص آخر

· Can you switch on the light for me?
· Will you go to the shop for me?
· Would you do me a favour?

. Permission
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approval to do something
الاذن: طلب الاذن للقيام بعمل ما
Can, could and may are used to ask for permission.
· Can I have some candy?
· Could I switch on the light for me?
· May I use your phone?

There are many ways to answer permissions.
Could I sit here?
Yes, you can.
هذه بعض الأمثلة عن الطرق التي تستعمل لطلب الاذن
Certainly. / Sure. / Of course. / By all means. / No. Please, don't.

4. Advice
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suggestions to a person about what he should do

a. Both should and ought to are used to give advice.
Ought to is not common in questions or in negative sentences.
Ought to لا تستعمل في النفي و السؤال
· I should study hard.
· I ought to study, too.

b. Had better is stronger than should or ought to. It is used for urgent advice.
Had better هي في المعنى اقوى من should or ought to و عادة يتضمن معناها التحذير

· You had (You'd) better take the early bus.
Had better refers to the present or the future but never to the past.

. Necessity
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obligation / an unavoidable need or compulsion to do something
الضرورة في القيام بعمل ما (لا يوجد خيار في ذلك)
a. Must
expresses an affirmative, strong necessity in the present or future. An
obligation expressed by must have is imposed by the speaker or by the

تستعمل Must للحديث عن الضرورات المفروضة إما من القانون او من الشخص المتكلم على الشخص المستمع

· A soldier must obey army regulations. (The law says so.)
· You must follow traffic regulations. (The law says so.)

b. Have to
expresses an affirmative, strong necessity in the present or future. An
obligation expressed by have to is imposed by external circumstances.

تستعمل Have to للحديث عن الضرورات المفروضة من قبل اشخاص او ظروف أخرى غير القانون و المتكلم

· Mother says that you have to be home before sunset. (Mother says so.)
· You have to have a driver’s license.

6. Prohibition - المنع
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Must not (mustn't) is used to express prohibition.
"Must not" means that you have no choice. You are not supposed to do something.
تستعمل Must not للحديث عن المنع او الضرورة بعدم القيام بعمل ما. و هي لا تتضمن اية اختيارات
· You must not smoke at the gas station.
· You must not stay in the room during a fire drill.

. Lack of necessity - عدم الضرورة
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"Do not have to" is a modal of lack of necessity.
“Do not have to” means that you have a choice. You can do something if you want to do it.
تستعمل Do not have to للكلام عن عدم ضورة القيام بالشيء
أي ان الشخص لديه القدرة على الاختيار اما للقيام بالعمل او لا

· You do not have to do the extra credit.
· You do not have to eat in the cafeteria.

8. Possibility
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capability of existing or happening or being true

a. Could, may and might
are words that are used to express possible future actions. They mean
that the speaker thinks the action is possible, but he or she is not
completely certain about it.

تستعمل Could, may and
might للحديث عن امكانية حصول الفعل في المستقبل و لكن الشخص عادة لا يكون
واثقا تمام الثقة من ان الامر سيحدث.

For example:
· They are sick. This means that the speaker is sure that "they" are sick.
· They could be sick. This means that the speaker isn't positive that "they" could be sick.
· They might be sick. Again, this means that the speaker isn't positive that "they" are sick.
· They may be sick. This means the same as above. The speaker isn't positive that "they" are sick.

b. Use may not or might not to talk about the possibility that something will not happen.
تستعمل , may not and might not للحديث عن صعوبة حصول الفعل في المستقبل

· Alexa looks tired. She might not continue the competition.
· Alexa looks tired. She may not pass her final exam.

a. Could not is used to express strong impossibility.
تستعمل Could not للحديث عن عدم امكانية حصول الشيء في المستقبل. و هي في المعنى اقوى من may not and might not

· He could not have a driving test. He is not eighteen yet.

b. In question forms, use Do you think … or Is it possible … to ask about possibility.
· Do you think it may rain tomorrow?
· Is it possible that he might leave town?

. Assumption / logical conclusion
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a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn
الافتراضية او التحليل المنطقي
[center]a. Use must or have to to show that we are almost sure that an action is probable to happen.
تستعمل must للدلالة على اننا متأكدين الى حد كبير بأن هذا الامر سيحدث

· Mr. Wilson is the only employee at this shop. It must be a small shop.
· John keeps eating day and night. He has to be overweight.

b. To express negative assumption, use must not.

· These three children must not be all his. He has only two children.

10. Suggestion الاقتراح
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shall is used to express suggestions

Shall I carry your bag?
Shall I show you the sitting room?

11. Promise - الوعد
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will is used to talk about future promises
I will give you a nice gift
I promise that i will love you forever

12. Predicition - التوقع
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will is used to talk about future predicitions
I think it will rain tomorrow
Maybe he will go to France next week

13. Spontaneous Decision
القرار المفاجئ
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Will is used to talk about sudden decisions at the time of speaking

The bus is late: I will go by car
The bell is ringing: I will open the door

أتمنى أن ينال الدرس اعجابكم و ان تستفيدوا منه

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Modal Auxiliaries
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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