منتدى شقاح
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرا ارجو التسجيل للاستفادة من خصائص المنتدى والمشاركة به بفاعلية
منتدى شقاح
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرا ارجو التسجيل للاستفادة من خصائص المنتدى والمشاركة به بفاعلية
منتدى شقاح
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى شقاح

منتدى تعليمي وثقافي واجتماعي
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    » الضوء (بوربوينت)
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    » أبيات أعجبتنييييييييي جداً وجداً وجداً ..
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    » الطباق (من ألوان البديع)
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    About William Shakespeare Icon_minitimeالإثنين ديسمبر 10, 2012 10:10 pm من طرف Batool Alghazo

    تقويم اسلامي


     About William Shakespeare

    اذهب الى الأسفل 
    كاتب الموضوعرسالة
    مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف
    مشارك مميز مع مرتبة الشرف

    About William Shakespeare Images10

    About William Shakespeare Images10
    About William Shakespeare Golden10

    عدد المساهمات : 1689
    تاريخ التسجيل : 12/10/2010

    About William Shakespeare Empty
    مُساهمةموضوع: About William Shakespeare   About William Shakespeare Icon_minitimeالخميس يونيو 02, 2011 5:01 am

    William Shakespeare

    Details about William
    Shakespeare’s life are sketchy, mostly mere surmise based upon court or
    other clerical records. His parents, John and Mary (Arden), were married
    about 1557; she was of the landed gentry, he a yeoman—a glover and
    commodities merchant. By 1568, John had risen through the ranks of town
    government and held the position of high bailiff, similar to mayor.
    William, the eldest son, was born in 1564, probably on April 23, several
    days before his baptism on April 26, 1564. That Shakespeare also died
    on April 23, 52 years later, may have resulted in the adoption of this
    birth date.

    William no doubt attended
    the local grammar school in Stratford where his parents lived, and would
    have studied primarily Latin rhetoric, logic, and literature [Barnet,
    viii]. At age 18 (1582), William married Anne Hathaway, a local farmer’s
    daughter eight years his senior. Their first daughter (Susanna) was
    born six months later (1583), and twins Judith and Hamnet were born in

    Shakespeare’s life can be
    divided into three periods: the first 20 years in Stratford, which
    include his schooling, early marriage, and fatherhood; the next 25 years
    as an actor and playwright in London; and the last five in retirement
    back in Stratford where he enjoyed moderate wealth gained from his
    theatrical successes. The years linking the first two periods are marked
    by a lack of information about Shakespeare, and are often referred to
    as the “dark years”; the transition from active work into retirement was
    gradual and cannot be precisely dated [Boyce, 587].

    John Shakespeare had
    suffered financial reverses from William’s teen years until well into
    the height of the playwright’s popularity and success. In 1596, John
    Shakespeare was granted a coat of arms, almost certainly purchased by
    William, who the next year bought a sizable house in Stratford. By the
    time of his death, William had substantial properties, both professional
    and personal, which he bestowed on his theatrical associates and his
    family (primarily his daughter Susanna, having rewritten his will one
    month before his death to protect his assets from Judith’s new husband,
    Thomas Quiney, who ran afoul of church doctrine and public esteem before
    and after the marriage)

    Shakespeare probably left
    school at 15, which was the norm, and took some sort of job, especially
    since this was the period of his father’s financial difficulty.

    When, in 1592, the Plague
    closed the theaters for about two years, Shakespeare turned to writing
    book-length narrative poetry. Most notable were “Venus and Adonis” and
    “The Rape of Lucrece,” both of which were dedicated to the Earl of
    Southampton, whom scholars accept as Shakespeare’s friend and benefactor
    despite a lack of documentation. During this same period, Shakespeare
    was writing his sonnets, which are more likely signs of the time’s
    fashion rather than actual love poems detailing any particular
    relationship. He returned to play writing when theaters reopened in
    1594, and published no more poetry. His sonnets were published without
    his consent in 1609, shortly before his retirement.

    Amid all of his success,
    Shakespeare suffered the loss of his only son, Hamnet, who died in 1596
    at the age of 11. But Shakespeare’s career continued unabated.

    When Queen Elizabeth died
    in 1603 and was succeeded by her cousin King James of Scotland, the
    Chamberlain’s Men was renamed the King’s Men, and Shakespeare’s
    productivity and popularity continued uninterrupted. He invested in
    London real estate and, one year away from retirement, purchased a
    second theater, the Blackfriars Gatehouse, in partnership with his
    fellow actors. His final play was Henry VIII, two years before his death in 1616.

    Incredibly, most of
    Shakespeare’s plays had never been published in anything except pamphlet
    form, and were simply extant as acting scripts stored at the Globe.
    Only the efforts of two of Shakespeare’s company, John Heminges and
    Henry Condell, preserved his 36 plays (minus Pericles, the
    thirty-seventh) [Barnet, xvii] in the First Folio. Heminges and Condell
    published the plays, they said, “only to keep the memory of so worthy a
    friend and fellow alive as was our Shakespeare” [Chute, 133]. Theater
    scripts were not regarded as literary works of art, but only the basis
    for the performance. Plays were a popular form of entertainment for all
    layers of society in Shakespeare’s time, which perhaps explains why
    Hamlet feels compelled to instruct the traveling Players on the fine
    points of acting, urging them not “to split the ears of the
    groundlings,” nor “speak no more than is set down for them.”

    Present copies of
    Shakespeare’s plays have, in some cases, been reconstructed in part from
    scripts written down by various members of an acting company who
    performed particular roles. Shakespeare’s plays, like those of many of
    the actors who also were playwrights, belonged to the acting company.
    The performance, rather than the script, was what concerned the author,
    for that was how his play would become popular—and how the company, in
    which many actors were shareholders, would make money.

    William Shakespeare died on
    April 23, 1616, and was buried two days later in the chancel of Holy
    Trinity Church where he had been baptized exactly 52 years earlier.

    وهنا نبذة مختصرة بالعربية

    وليام شكسبير

    نبذة عنه:
    هو أديب وكاتب مسرحي وشاعر إنجليزي ،ولد (تم
    تعميده) في 26 أبريل 1564م وتوفي في 23 أبريل 1616م بكنيسة سترت فورد
    بآفون ، بانجلترا و يعتبر أعظم أديب في تاريخ انجلترا وتعتبر مسرحيات
    وقصائده كلاسيكيات في أقسام الأدب الإنجليزي في جامعات العالم. كما أن
    أعماله كانت مسرحاً ومادة للدراسات العليا والنقدية وهناك من قرأ أعمال
    شكسبير قراءات ماركسية أو حتى رومانسية ، بالأضافة إلى أن أعماله تم
    اقتباسها في الكثير من الأفلام والمسرحيات حول العالم.

    سيرته :التحق شكسبير بالمدرسة الابتدائية
    بقرية سترت فورد في آفون حيث درس مبادئ اللغات اللاتينية واليونانية
    والفرنسية, ومكنته دراسته هذه من التعمق في التاريخ والأدب الكلاسيكي ، ولم
    يتمكن شكسبير من إكمال دراسته بسبب الأحوال المادية السيئة لوالده، حيث
    اضطر للعمل. تزوج من (آن هاثاواي) وهو في الثامنة عشر التي أنجبت له (
    هامنت)-ولد و(جوديث) - بنت. كان يحب التمثيل بالإضافة إلى الشعر مما جعله
    ينتقل إلى لندن ، حيث التحق بأشهر الفرق المسرحية كاتباً لمسرحياتها ،ونشر
    أول أعماله الشعرية "فينوس وادونيس". ويعتبر من أعظم أدباء عصره تأثر وليم
    شكسبير في كتاباته عن عصر الملوك والأساطير وفى موضوعاته عن الخيانة والقتل
    والضمائر القاسية.

    تأثر شكسبير في كتاباته بما كتبه المؤرخ القديم بلوتارخ.

    أهم أعماله :
    هاملت 1600-1601 م.
    عطيل 1604-1605 م.
    الملك لير 1605-1606 م.
    ماكبث 1605-1606 م.
    تاجر البندقية 1596-1597 م.
    روميو وجولييت 1594-1595م.

    أعمال ويليام شكسبير الكاملة :التراجيديات:
    روميو وجولييت | ماكبث | الملك لير | هاملت | عطيل| تيتوس أندرونيكوس |
    يوليوس قيصر | أنطونيو وكليوباترا| كريولانس | ترويلوس وكريسيدا | تيمون

    الكوميديات: حلم ليلة صيف | كل شيء بخير
    وسينتهي بشكل جيد | كما تحبها| سيمبلين | الحب خسارة للعمل | القياس للقياس
    | تاجر البندقية | زوجات ويندسور البهيجات | الكثير مما يمكن فعله بشأن لا
    شيء | بيرسيليس، أمير تير | ترويض النمرة | كوميديا الأخطاء | العاصفة |
    الليلة الثانية عشرة أو سمها كما تشاء | السيدان الفيرونيان | القريبان
    النبيلان | حكاية الشتاء

    التاريخيات: الملك جون | ريتشارد الثاني |
    هنري الرابع، الجزء الأول | هنري الرابع، الجزء الثاني | هنري الخامس| هنري
    السادس، الجزء الثاني| هنري السادس، الجزء الثاني | هنري السادس، الجزء
    الثالث | ريتشارد الثالث | هنري الثامن

    أشعار وسوناتات: السوناتات | فينوس وأدونيس | إغتصاب لوكيريس | الحاج المغرم | العنقاء والسلحفاة | تذمر حبيب
    كتابات شكسبير الضائعة: إدوارد الثالث | سير توماس مور | كاردينيو | عمل الحب رابح

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